"The usability of an interface is a measure of the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which specified users can achieve specified goals in a particular environment with that interface." (ISO 13407)
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Final results published.
Demo 8 published. Demonstrations take part in edtech lab 2D309.
Last lecture: 11.5.2006.
Results of the 1st intermediate exam published.
Demo 7 published.
Second intermediate exam: 17.5.2006, 10:00 - 12:00, room:2D106. Topics: second part of the course.
Demo 6 published.
Note about Exercises 5 on 19.4.2006! Due to the lack of participants last week, the second group of foreign students is cancelled. So there will be only one foreign group which will gather at 12.15 in front of CogLab as agreed in last week's exercise session.
Demo 5 published.
First intermediate exam: 20.4.2006, 12:15, 2D106. Topics: first 8 lectures AND 4 DEMOS of the course.
Demo 4 published.
The date of the First intermediate exam has to be changed (no teaching on 13.4.2006). Come to the next lecture if you want to influence the decision.
Demos of the group 2 start now 16:00 sharp.
Demo 3 published.
Links to demo points can be now found near-by your group.
Demo 2 published.
Demo 1 published.
Download the Cross cultural usability engineering lecture notes. (C) Christian Sturm.
The UE Competition announced.
First lectures will be held: 9.3.2006, time: 12-14, room 2d106. Welcome!
Demos will start in week 11, i.e. 15.3.2006.
General info
32 hours
Thursday and Friday, 12 - 14, room 2D106
Lecturer: Roman
Exceptions: no lectures on week 13 (27. - 31.3.2006), no lectures on 13.4.2006 (Easter period 13.4. - 18.4)
Last lecture: 11.5.2006
Demo sessions
16 hours
Group 1: Wednesday, 14-16, room: B180. Demo points. Finnish students are recommended to visit this group. Foreign students can visit, too.
Group 2: Wednesday, 16:00-18, room: B180. Demo points. Foreign students are recommended to visit this group. Finnish students can visit, too.
Teacher: Minna Kamppuri
Exceptions: no demos on week 14 (3. - 7.4.2006)
Demo assignments:
The Usability Engineering 2006 competition!
*Do you find something annoying in the Science Park? Bad design? Poor usability? Tell us all about it!
Submission 1: Tersia Gowases: Flat floor of 2D106 classroom disallows students in back rows to see the bottor lines of the projected screen.
Submission 2: Cristina Garrido Morro and Sebastián Bravo López: Several problems in Science Park (white boards,computers, stairs,doors after 16:00, such things as toilet basin)
Submission 3: Niina Jormanainen & Klaus Johansson: light switches, toilet seats, lift, Corelli's menu on WWW
Submission 4: Konstantin Petrukhnov: Strange equipment, Dirty mice, Strange door, Missing floor plans, Loud projector, Clocks in the lecture rooms, E-mail
Submission 5: Santiago Hernandez de Luis: Sponges, Screens between tables, Bathroom doors, Wardrobe problems
Roman Bednarik
Minna Kamppuri,