User-Centered Design 175421 (5 ECTS)


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First lectures will be held: 12.1.2009, time: 14-16, room 2d106. Welcome!

Demos will start in week 4 (calendar), i.e. 19.1.2008.

Attendance to the first two lectures is necessary to begin taking the UCD 2009.

Project instructions can be found from the course web-page.

First demo assignment is available online.

Slides of the first two lectures are available online.

Second demo assignment is available online.

Presentations of topics 1, 2, and 3 are available online. Authors are responsible for proper references to materials.

Presentation of Dr. Mirja Kälviänen is online

Third demo assignment is available online.

Presentations of topics 4, 5, and 6 are available online. Authors are responsible for proper references to materials.

Presentations of topics 7, 8, and 9 are available online. Authors are responsible for proper references to materials.

Fourth demo assignment is available online.

Project instructions will be updated ASAP.

List of UCD2009 blogs is now on this page.

Fifth demo assignment is available online.

Project intructions updated 11.2.2009.

All remaining presentations are available online. Authors are responsible for proper references to materials.

No official lecture today, project consultations happen in 2D307.

Sixth (last) demo assignment is available online.

Results of the course and final results are now online:



Course arrangements

General info


32 hours

Monday and Tuesday, 14 - 16, room 2D106

Lecturer: Roman Bednarik

Exceptions: tdb

Lecture notes:

Demo sessions

16 hours

Group 1: Mo, 12-14, room: B180

Group 2: Tu, 12-14, room: B180.

Teacher: Minnamari Naumanen (mnauma@), Tersia // Gowases (tgovases@), Roman Bednarik

Demo assignments:



Additional information

Roman Bednarik

Visit: Usability Research Group at CS JoY