Graphical user interfaces
Exercise week 4, Friday 16.11.2007



No X-exercise this week, do not submit by email beforehand.

We have still an exercise with Java, and then we start using PyGTK. Python and PyGTK can be installed from links above. Also, there you can find documentation and tutorials of them.

5. Add menus and decoration to your Java/Swing calculator of X1

Keep the existing functionality, and design and add a menu bar, menus, and menu items for the following actions. Implement the actions too.

Add also proper mnemonics and accelerators to the menus.

6. Celsius-Fahrenheit-Kelvin -converter in PyGTK

Make a Celsius-Fahrenheit-Kelvin -converter like in exercise 1 in PyGTK. The application that converts between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin degrees. For each unit, there is a text field showing the temperature, and a button that activates the conversion from that unit to the other units. Show 2 decimal places. Enable tooltips for each component.

Last modified Thu Nov 8 14:29:19 EET 2007 SJ