M.Sc. Theses:
- Representation of digital maps, Viktor Veis, 2001.
- Dictionary-based compression of map images, Alexandr Akimov, 2001.
- Utilization of vector maps in location-based applications, Seppo
Nevalainen, 2001. (pdf)
Scientific publications
- P. Fränti, P. Kopylov and V. Veis, "Dynamic use of map images in
mobile environment", IEEE Int. Conf. on on Image Processing
(ICIP'02), Rochester, New York, USA, vol. 3, 917-920,
September 2002.
- A. Akimov, P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "Semi-adaptive dictionary
based compression of map images",GraphiCon'2002,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 218-224, September 2002.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "A fast near-optimal algorithm for
approximation of polygonal curves", Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition
(ICPR'02), Québec, Canada, vol. 4, 335-338, August 2002.
- P. Fränti, E. Ageenko, P. Kopylov, S. Gröhn and F. Berger, "Map
image compression for real-time applications", Spatial Data Handling
2002 Symposium (SDH'02), Ottawa, Canada, July 2002.
- P. Fränti, P.Kopylov and E. Ageenko, "Evaluation of compression
methods for digital map images", IASTED Int. Conf. on Automation,
Control and Information Technology (ACIT 2002), Novosibirsk, Russia,
pp. 401-405, June 2002.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "A fast near-optimal min-# approximation
of digitized curves", IASTED Int. Conf. on Automation, Control and
Information Technology (ACIT 2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, pp.
418-422, June 2002.
- P. Fränti, E. Ageenko, P. Kopylov and
S. Gröhn, "Compressing multi-component digital maps using JBIG2",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
(ICASSP'02), Orlando, Florida, May, 2002.
- G. Hariharan, P. Fränti and S. Mehta, "Data Mining for Personal Navigation",
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology
IV, Orlando, Florida, April, 2002.
- P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "Context tree compression of multi-component
map images", IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC'02),
Snowbirh, Utah, pp. 212-221, April 2002. (Powerpoint)
- E.I. Ageenko, P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "On the size and shape
of multi-level context templates for compression of map images",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'01), Thessaloniki,
Greece, pp. 458-461, vol.3, October 2001.