JOENSUUN YLIOPISTO                                      EXERCISES 9
Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos                         Mon 16.5. 
User-Centred Design /
Käyttäjäkeskeinen suunnittelu
Spring 2005

In order to complete the exercise, you have to email your answers by   
                         Mon 16.5. at 2 p.m. 

to the instructor, either or

x4, weight 2: Making a User Environment Design (UED)

on the system we have been designing  the last 4 exercise sessions,
the system to help university students to manage all the information
needed in their studies and personal life.

x4. Make a User Environment Design (UED) based on the design
    we have done. You can find the design from the walls of 
    the exercise session lecture halls, T/B179 (in English) and
    T/B181 (in Finnish).