JOENSUUN YLIOPISTO                                      EXERCISES 2
Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos                         Wed 2.3. - Thu 3.3.
User-Centred Design /
Käyttäjäkeskeinen suunnittelu
Spring 2005

1. How would you do a Contextual Inquiry for a  known product?
   A known product is one of a class of products that is known
   and accepted in the marketplace, like a word processor or
   a spreadsheet. Give enough detail that the plan for conducting 
   Contextual Inquiry could be implemented.
2. Write a script (what you will say and do in the situation) for 
   opening the Contectual Interview (you can either select the
   work practice area or use the student example of x2.

In order to complete the exercise, you have to email 
your answers AT LEAST 4 HOURS BEFORE the exercise session to the 
instructor, either or

x2, weight 2: Preparation for Performing a Contextual Inquiry for either

an area of your selection


a system to help university students to manage all the information
needed in their studies and personal life.

x2. Setting the project focus. Define the focus (mission statement) and
    broaden your focus to include the whole process.

Before you can do contextual inquiry, you must define the problem you
intend to solve in terms of the work you plan to support. Typically, a
project's mission is stated in terms of the solution it will deliver:
e.g. an electronic clipboard for doctor's office.

Then you have to broaden the focus. So, write a short description (2-4
pages) describing your focus more intensively. You may consider for

Themes in focus: 
	What to observe? 
	What is the purpose of observation?
People in focus: 
	Who to observe? 
	Who are we designing for? 

Initial Description for Student Problem: 
We all have different needs to administer knowledge in our
everyday affairs. For example, as students we need to keep track of our
studies, deal with different types of knowledge, i.e. lecture notes,
programming assignments, course materials, web materials, source code
etc. At the same time, we have all personal needs to handle knowledge,
we need emails, calendars, phone books etc.