JOENSUUN YLIOPISTO EXCERCISES 7 Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos User Interfaces / Käyttöliittymät Tue 30.10. - Fri 2.11. Fall 2001 32. Natural Language Think of one example of an application, where a spoken natural language would be an appropriate interaction style. Why would it be appropriate, and are there any other possibilities for the selection of the interaction style. 33. Direct Manipulation Think of an existing direct manipulation style interface of an application. What is the metafor used in the interface? Is it appropriate, and are there any possibilities of the metaphor to be misleading? 34. Forming a group (do this before the exercises) 35. Selecting a topic (do this before the exercises) The last three exercises will be spent doing a little application with Visual Basic. The applications may be done in groups of 2-3 persons. Form a group and select the topic of the application before EXCERCISES 7 (Tue 30.10.).