Markku Hauta-Kasari
Ph.D., Professor, Vice Dean
- Family name: Hauta-Kasari
- First name, middle name: Markku Kalevi
- ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5481-0004
- Nationality: Finnish
- Address: University of Eastern Finland, School of Computing,
Joensuu Campus, P.O.Box 111,
FI-80101 Joensuu, FINLAND
- Phone: +358 50 4056231
Email:, WWW:
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Information Processing, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, May 1999
- Master of Science (M.Sc.), Computer Science, University of Kuopio, Finland, October 1994
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Computer Science, University of Kuopio, Finland, May 1992
- High School graduation, Sonkajärvi senior high school, Sonkajärvi, Finland, May 1989
- Title of Docent in spectral imaging and spectral image analysis,
Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, Finland, April 8,
- Professor, in Computer Science, especially in Computational Color Science, School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, since September 1, 2013
- Research Director, SIB-labs, University of Eastern Finland,
January 1, 2011 - August 31, 2013
- University Researcher, University of Eastern Finland, September 1,
2009 - December 31, 2010
- Visiting Professor, National Museum of Japanese History,
Japan, February 14 - March 12, 2007
- Director, InFotonics Center Joensuu, since September 1, 2003
- Acting Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, August 2003
- Acting Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu,
August 1, 2002 - July 31, 2003
- Visiting Researcher, Professor Miyake Laboratory, Department of
Information and Image Sciences, Chiba University, Japan, April 16- June
16, 2002
- Senior Assistant, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, September 1999-August 2010.
- Project Leader, International Centre for Color Analysis, ICCA, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu,
August 2000 - June 2001.
- Assistant, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, August 1999
- Acting Senior Assistant, Department of Information Technology, Lappeenranta
University of Technology, January 1999 - July 1999
- Assistant, Department of Information Technology, Lappeenranta
University of Technology, February 1995 - July 1999
- Visiting Researcher, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
Saitama University, Japan, October 1996 - September 1998
- Visiting Researcher, Invited by Dr. Reiner Lenz, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden,
August - September 1996
- Teaching assistant, Centre for Continuing Education, University
of Kuopio, September - November 1993
- Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, since January 2022
- Head of the School of Computing, 2014-2021
- Vice head of the Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, August 2003.
- Member of the Departmental council of the Department of
Computer Science, University of Joensuu, 2002-2006
- Academic coordinator at the University of Eastern Finland of Erasmus Mundus Imaging and Light in Extended
Reality (IMLEX), Erasmus Mundus Computational Colour and Spectral Imaging (COSI), Erasmus Mundus Color in
Informatics and Media Technology (CIMET) MSc-programme, International MSc-programme on Information Technology (IMPIT) and Cross-Border University (CBU) ICT-programme
- Director of InFotonics Center Joensuu-research center since 2003.
Over 10 years experience as responsible head of technology oriented
research projects, that include cooperation with national and
international research organizations. Cooperation experience with over 50
- Pattern Recognition Society of Finland, member-society of IAPR
(International Association for Pattern Recognition), since 1995
- The Optical Society of Japan, since 1998
- The Finnish Union of University Professors, since 2013
- The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers, 1995 - 2013
- Finnish Information Processing Association, 1990 - 2008
- The Optical Society of America, 1998 - 2008
- Knight First Class of the Order of the White Rose of Finland (FWR K I), December 6th, 2023.
- The Finnish Colour Association Iiris Prize Award, March 21, 2023
- An honorary member of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Alumni Club Finland, since
February 2021.
- Invited speaker at International Workshop on Bioimaging (IWBI 2019), Utsunomiya, Japan, February 18-19, 2019:
Title of the talk: Computational spectral imaging at the institute of photonics, UEF.
- Invited speaker at ICO-24 (the 24th General Congress of International Commission for Optics), Tokyo, Japan, August 21-25, 2017:
Title of the talk: Spectral Imaging in Medical Applications.
- Invited speaker at the Tenth Japan-Finland Joint Symposium on Optics in Engineering,
Technical Digest, September 2-5, 2013, Utsunomiya, Japan. Title of the talk:
Industrial Applications of Spectral Imaging.
- Invited speaker at Northern Optics, in Snekkersten, Denmark, November 19-21, 2012. Title of the talk:
Optimal Illumination Design and Implementation using Spectral Imaging and Analysis.
- Invited speaker at Paper optics with new eyes - Tools for Product
Development, ROND2009, in
Ornskoldsvik, Sweden, February 4, 2009. Title of the talk:
Spectral Imaging and Analysis of Paper and Printed Products.
- Invited speaker at Colorimetry and Color Imaging-workshop in
Almunecar, Spain, September 24-26, 2008. Title of the talk:
Spectral Color and Industrial Application.
- Tutorial lecturer at the 10th International Conference on Medical
Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2007, Brisbane,
Australia, October 29 - November 2, 2007. Title of the lecture:
Multispectral Image Classification and Segmentation.
- Keynote speaker at the 9th International Symposium on
Multispectral Colour Science and Application, Taipei, Taiwan,
May 30 - June 1, 2007.
Title of the talk: Industrial Applications of Spectral Color Technology.
- Invited speaker at the Second International Workshop
on Image Media Quality and its Applications, Chiba, Japan,
March 9-10, 2007. Title of the talk:
Spectral Color in Image Quality.
- Invited speaker at the 2nd Photonics and Laser Symposium,
Kajaani, Finland, February 23-25, 2005. Title of the talk:
InFotonics Center Joensuu
- Invited speaker in Color Forum Japan 2000, Tokyo, Japan, November
16-17, 2000. Title of the talk: Spectral based Color Image Acquisition and
- The best PhD-thesis award in the field of pattern
recognition in 1998-1999 in Finland. Award was issued by the Pattern
Recognition Society of Finland on April 25, 2000.
- Supervised 15 Ph.D. theses
- Supervising 2 Ph.D. theses
- Official evaluator of the 6 Professor-applicants at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, 2021
- Official evaluator of the 2 Professor of Practice-applicants at Aalto University, Finland, 2015
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, 2008
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, Linköping University, Sweden, 2009
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain, 2009
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, 2009
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, Mid Sweden University, Sweden, 2013
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, University of Burgundy, France, 2013
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, University of Oslo, Norway, 2014
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2016
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2018
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2021
- Opponent for Dr. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2023
- Opponent for Ph.Lic. thesis, Mid Sweden University, Sweden, 2010
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, University of Oulu, Finland, 2002
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, 2006
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, 2006
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, 2009
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, 2010
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, University of Oslo, Norway, 2014
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, Aalto University, Finland, 2015
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2016
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2018
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2019
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2021
- Official reviewer for Dr. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2023
- Official external reviewer of the Ph.D. thesis summary dissertation, University of Granada, Spain, 2009
- Official external reviewer of the Ph.D. thesis summary dissertation, University of Granada, Spain, 2013
- Official evaluator for Docentship, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, 2006
- Official evaluator for Docentship, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2016
- Official reviewer for Ph.Lic. thesis, University of Joensuu, Finland, 2001
- Official reviewer for Ph.Lic. thesis, University of Joensuu, Finland, 2008
- Official reviewer for Ph.Lic. thesis, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, 2009
- Supervised 33 M.Sc. theses
- Official reviewer for over 40 M.Sc. theses
- Scientific advisor for WinGlobal Technology Inc., Taiwan, 2006-2007
- Reviewer in Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A)
- Reviewer in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
- Reviewer in Optical Engineering
- Reviewer in Optics and Lasers in Engineering
- Reviewer in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- Reviewer in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
- Reviewer in Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
- Reviewer in Applied Optics
- Reviewer in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
- Reviewer in ETRI Journal
- Reviewer in Optics Express
- Reviewer in Food Control
- Reviewer in Journal of Biomedical Optics
- Reviewer in Journal of Electronic Imaging
- Reviewer in Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal
- Reviewer in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
- Reviewer in Machine Vision and Applications
- Reviewer in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
- Reviewer in Pattern Recognition Letters
- Reviewer in Sensors
- Reviewer in European Signal Processing Conference (Eusipco-2000)
- Reviewer in Finnish Signal Processing Symposium (FINSIG 2003)
- Reviewer in 10th Congress of the International Association AIC Colour 05
- Reviewer in 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA'05
- Reviewer in IS&T/SPIE 18th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging, EI 2006
- Reviewer in 15th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA'07
- Reviewer in 9th International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science and Application
- Reviewer in the Fourth European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, (CGIV'08)
and MCS2008, the 10th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science
- Reviewer in 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2008
- Reviewer in 16th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA'09
- Reviewer in 17th European Signal Processing Conference (Eusipco-2009)
- Reviewer in Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, ACIVS 2009
- Reviewer in the Fifth European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision,
(CGIV2010) and MCS2010, the 12th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science
- Reviewer in 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2010
- Reviewer in the Sixth European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision,
- Reviewer in the 8th International Conference on Signal Image
Technology & Internet Based Systems
- Reviewer in Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, ACIVS 2012
- Reviewer in 18th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA 2013
- Reviewer in CBMS2013, 26th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Special Track on Endoscopic Image Processing and Analysis
- Reviewer in Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, ACIVS 2013
- Reviewer in the 9th International Conference on Signal Image
Technology & Internet Based Systems, SITIS 2013
- Reviewer in 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2014
- Reviewer in International Conference on Image and Signal Processing 2014 (ICISP 2014)
- Reviewer in The Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society, MICCAI2014
- Business Joensuu, member of the board, since 2022
- UEF representative in the Advisory Board of the Finnish Institute in Japan, since 2019
- WP leader at EU COST Action: Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage (COSCH), 2012-2014
- Chairman of the CIE Technical Committee TC8-07 "Multispectral imaging" 2008-2011
- Coordinating Chair of the Fifth European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, CGIV 2010
- Chairman of the Intensive Program on Computer Vision (IPCV)-summer school, August 18-29, 2008, Joensuu, Finland
- Committee member of the International Committee for Imaging
Science, ICIS, representing Finland, since 2007.
- Board member of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Alumni Club Finland
- Domestic member of the best Nordic PhD-thesis award committee in the field of pattern recognition,
Pattern Recognition Society of Finland, since 2007
- Chairman, Pattern Recognition Society of Finland, May 2003 - May 2006
- Chairman of the local organizing committee of the 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA'05
- Member of the program committee, the 9th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2013)
- Member of the program committee, 12th International AIC Color Congress, 2013
- Member of the program committee, CBMS2013, 26th International
Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Special Track on Endoscopic
Image Processing and Analysis
- Member of the program committee, ACIVS 2013
- Tecnical Area Chair in Spectral Colour Science at the Sixth European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision (CGIV2012)
- Member of the program committee, ACIVS 2012
- Member of the program committee, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Bordeaux, France, September 28 - October 02, 2009.
- Member of the technical committee, the 19th International Conference
on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2008), Tampa, Florida, USA, December 8-11,
- Member of the program committee, the 9th International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science and Application,
Taipei, Taiwan, May 30 - June 1, 2007.
- Member of the program committee, the 8th International Symposium of
Multispectral Color Science (MCS), EI'06, San Jose, USA,
January 15-19, 2006
- Member of the scientific committee, the 10th Congress of the
International Colour Association, AIC Colour 05, Granada, Spain, 8-13 May 2005
- Member of the program committee, the 3rd International Conference on Multispectral Color Science, MCS'01, June 18-20, 2001, Joensuu, Finland.
- Vice Chairman, Pattern Recognition Society of Finland, December 1999 - May 2003
- Secretary, Pattern Recognition Society of Finland, December 1995 - September 1996
- Secretary, 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA'97, June 1995 - September 1996
- Color Research, Neural Computation, Pattern Recognition,
Optical Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Image Processing
- 1996, Lappeenranta University of Technology (Lappeenrannan teknillinen
korkeakoulu), Travel grant for ICPR'96 conference, FIM 6000
- 1996, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation,
(Jenny ja Antti Wihurin Saatio), Research grant, FIM 25000
- 1996-1998 Japanese Ministry for Education (Monbusho) (Japanin
opetusministerion, Monbushon, stipendiaattina), Research grant for
Visiting Researcher post at Saitama University, Japan, (on leave from
Assistant position)
- 1997, South Karelia Regional Fund of the Finnish Cultural
Foundation (Suomen Kulttuurirahaston Etela-Karjalan Maakuntarahasto),
Travel grant for SCIA'97 conference, FIM 13000
- 1997, Emil Aaltonen Foundation (Emil Aaltosen Saatio),
Travel grant for ACCV'98 conference, FIM 13000
- 1998, Lappeenranta University of Technology (Lappeenrannan
teknillinen korkeakoulu), Research grant for a 6 month period,
(on leave from Assistant position), FIM 50000
- 1999, Finnish Cultural Foundation (Suomen Kulttuurirahasto),
Research grant for the scientific visit to Saitama University,
Japan, FIM 20000
- 1999, Foundation of Technology (Tekniikan Edistamissaatio),
Travel grant for SCIA'99 conference, FIM 12000
- 2000, Academy of Finland - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS),
(Suomen Akatemia-JSPS tutkijainvaihtostipendi),
Research grant for the scientific visit to Saitama University, Japan, FIM 11300
- 2006, Academy of Finland - Korean Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF),
(Suomen Akatemia-KOSEF tutkijainvaihtostipendi), Travel grant for the
first Korea-Finland Joint Workshop on Color and Imaging at Kyungpook National University,
Korea, on November 27, 2006, EUR 2500
- 2012-2022, Academy of Finland, EUR 490 000
- 2017-2021, EU structural funding, EUR 1,4 milj.
- 2005-2019, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
(Tekes)-funding, EUR 3,4 milj.
- 2005-2009, InFotonics Center Joensuu, EU/Tekes/Interreg-funding, over
EUR 1 milj. euros
- 2003-2012, over 40 direct research organization and industrial
contracts related to InFotonics Center Joensuu, total amount of funding over EUR 300 000
- Responsible applicant and head of the following research projects:
- Academy of Finland, Strategic Research Council (SRC): Bio-based Dyes and Pigments for Colour Palette
(BioColour), 2019-2022, 190 000 euro
- Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes): Utilizing Spectral Sensor Technology, Digital Spectral Database and Machine Learning For Dental Applications (DIGIDENT), 2017-2019, 400 000 euro
- Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Inovation (Tekes): Computational Spectral Imaging in Biological and Biomedical Applications (CSIBIOMED), 2016-2017, 470 000 euro
- Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Inovation (Tekes): Photonics sensor and high technology imaging
demonstrations to the control of forest biorefineries, 2016-2017, 100 000 euro
- Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes): Spectral imaging and analysis in environmental and industrial applications, 2013-2015, 2 milj. euro
- Academy of Finland: Re-engineering retinal imaging with photonics and computational science - Revision, 2012 - 2015, 300 000 eur
- EU COST Action: Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage - COSCH. 2012 - 2016, responsible for representing Finland in the COST Action
- Tekes: Imaging and machine vision applications in the wet stage of the pulp and paper production - PulpVision, 2010 - 2014, 350 000 euro
- Tekes: Technology program for sawmill applications - TimTekno, 2011 - 2012, 150 000 euro
- Tekes: Infrared and spectral imaging in medical processes - Medi-imaging, 2010 - 2012, 280 000 euro
- Tekes: Optimal Detection and Decision-Support Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy - ImageRet, 2007 - 2008, 120 000 euro
- Tekes: Direct laser marking of metal surfaces - DIME, 2007 - 2008, 70 000 euro
- Tekes/Ruukki: Future Steel Frontages. 2006 - 2008, 100 000 euro
- Tekes: Quality Control of Laser Welding by Optics, Hiprola, 2005 - 2008, 70 000 euro
- Tekes/MILA Oulu, Redwood, 2006-2007, 70 000 euro
- Fotoniikka ja spektrinen väritutkimus pk-yritysten tuotekehityksen tueksi - selvitykset ja kartoitukset - AKO. 2007 - 2010
- European Union Structural Funding, European Union Social Funding, Interreg-funding, Tekes ERSF-fundign for InFotonics Center Joensuu, 2005-2009, over 1 milj. euro
- European Union Structural Funding, InFotonics Center Joensuu - InFotonics Center. 2003 - 2005, 1.6 milj. euros (not applicant, but responsible head of the project)
- In addition, about 10 research projects as subcontracting for other institutions as part of Tekes-projects, or direct company contracts
- Finnish, English, Swedish, Japanese