Singapore marathon 2009
Warm as usual

Pre-race preparations

This was my fourth marathon in Singapore and it happened during Finland's indepdence day. I therefore had to make sure that I had the Finland's flag with me for the final 300 meters, so I recruited Ville Hautamäki who is working as a postdoc at the Infocomm Reseach Institute (I2R). After short traininig, he gained enough knowledge and motivation to drag himself out of the bed early Sunday morning (being there around 8:30).

My training, on the other hand, had already completed. Two weeks before I had tried Joensuu Kataja's 10 km test run but could not go any faster than 47:20 with no apparent reason. After that, I just decided to take it easy without any hard efforts. I visited STMIK in Tangerang, Indonesia, and from there a short holiday trip to Bali where I did my last training: one long run of 25 km and 4x6 min intervals in the warmth. The Indonesia visit itself would be worth another story but not here and now. Smile

I arrived to Singapore one week before the marathon and spent the week at work in the institute meeting many collagues there, giving a presentation, having numerous lunches and dinners (inlcuding the Japanese Hilltop which I enjoyd alot). I must say that I enjoyed the Singaporean cuisine this time much more than before, and prefer it over Thai and Chinese food. I also visited seminar at the Google Singapore office in saturday. Rest of day had a short City Tour using the vehicles shown in the pictures below. During the week I had run only 22 km (7+9+6), including 3 km test run Wednesday with speed 4:32 min/km predicting 3:11 finish time.

Race story

I woke up around 3:20, about two hours before the race, and after tiny breakfast went down to the starting place 20 mins before the start. I tried to squeeze in the crowd as close to the start line as possible but managed to get somewhere around "sub 4 hours" signboard but had to wait about half a minute in the start. The first 10 km went well but then my pace slowed down towards the end. It was not my best day. The route had changed from 2007. Now there was only short loop at Marina Bay before returning to Esplanade drive, then continuing the East and North side streets before reaching East Coast Park. First half was of my race was in the darkness, and daylight became only for the second half but It was cloudy. No danger of heatstroke.

Somewhere before the turning point I spotted the top 5-6 African runners (including the winner Luke Kibet, 2:11). After that there were only individual runners here and there until I reached the turning point and estimated my position roughly around 98. During the rest of the race I counted all passings and further estimated my final position being somewhere around 87, which it was exactly. The final part of the route had also changed. Now we did not run behind Theater building but along the main road in the front of theater building, across the bridge along the Esplanade drive the same way where the start was. After the bridge, turning right at the Fullerton hotel over the small St. Andrew bridge (below). This is opposite direction to the way the F1 cars drive in September.

Ville had found his way to the optimal location just at the inside corner at the Fullerton. His visibility was poor but I managed to spot him because he was just where I wanted him to be exactly, and shouted "Ville! Ville! Flag! Flag!". He finally noticed me and gave me the flag between the yellow bars (see picture above) separting runners and spectators. Then towards the final straight and the finish line. Instructions for the runners adviced "don't sprint but cross the finish line with smile". Sure sure. I took my usual sprint anyway, catching another runner just before the finish line. At least the announced noticed me and welcome me to the finish line. If he only knew that it was Finland's independence day, maybe a tune or two from the national anthem would have been appropriate. Smile

My heart rate had arisen to 168 during the last 2.2 km, and reaching maximum of 184 at the finish line. So yes, I had some resources still remaining, and who knows, maybe could have done little bit better if just had enough guts.

Race facts

Finish time: 3:14:19
Ranking: 87 / 14258
Average heart rate: 160
  10k 21k 25k 30k 40k Full
Total time 0:42:50 1:32:49 1:51:27 2:15:11 3:03:28 3:14:19
Pace 4:15 4:30 4:47 4:45 4:50 4:36
Heart rate 159 160 159 159 162 160

Post-race analysis

I cannot see any reason why I could not do better than this. I tried but just could not keep up the pace. Maybe I still have a lession or two to be learn how to run in Singapore. And grow-up from looking at the times, and instead, just enjoy the running. For some reason this is the hardest part for me. As a salt for the wounds, my rankings in the Veteran (>40 years) series was 11th (gun time) despite that my net time would have warranted me 9th position and 150 SGD prize money! Damned. Should have started in the front row instead of 30 sec behind. Although I anyway planned to be 3:12 or faster, which case I would have been clearly top-10. If cow had a wheels it would be a milk wagon. Shame on me. Roger and out. Time to go exercising...