Rotterdam marathon
You run, we banana
Race completed and some pictures in Mopsi. I was just supposed
to track the race into Mopsi but since the phone did not fit into
pocket conveniently I carried it in my hand all the way.
And ended up taking few photos while running as well, see below.
First visit to Netherlards (beyond Schipol airport). Indeed nice
places and country is flat like pancake, I don't remember spotting
a single (natural) hill. Good for biking.
During the running, +12 C in start and +16 C in the finish line.
But sun was shining so shorts and t-shirt clearly enough, even hot
at places. Those energy gels I had tasted disgusting and just
upset the stomach and I don't know if they did help at all.
My pace degraded towards the end. According to the first half
I estimated 3:05 but finished with 3:10 exactly as the final result.
Not the same collapsion as in Singapore last year but today's
condition did not allow to do any better than this. No problems
with endurance but more on the speed.
After the race, one toe had quite large blister that was given
first aid by the medical staff after the race. Hip and legs
ached a lot, and I could also not eat for several hours due to
upset of stomach. Tough race. One runnning picture is (was)
Best banner along the track was the one having "YOU RUN, WE BANANA".
Made my smile. :-)
Finish time: 3:10:00
Ranking: 668 / 7325
Pace: 4:30 min/km
Weather: 12-16 C, sunny
| 5k | 10k | 15k | 20k | Half
| 25k | 30k | 35k | 40k | 42k |
Total time
| 0:21:11 | 0:42:20 | 1:03:30 | 1:25:12
| 1:30:15
| 1:47:46 | 2:10:29 | 2:34:36 | 2:59:24
| 3:10:00
| 4:14 | 4:14 | 4:14 | 4:20
| 4:18
| 4:31 | 4:33 | 4:49 | 4:58
| 4:30 |
# Name Country Time
1 Wilson Chebet Kenia 2:05:27
2 Vincent Kipruto Kenia 2:05:33
3 Chele Dechasa Ethiopia 2:08:47
4 Eliud Kiptanui Kenia 2:09:08
5 Alemayehu Shumye Ethiopia 2:09:36
6 Michael Kipyego Kenia 2:11:03
7 Feyisa Lilesa Ethiopia 2:11:42
8 Koen Raymaekers Nederland 2:13:41
9 Julius Mbugua Kenia 2:14:11
10 Zemiro Zohar Israel 2:14:28
Top-10 Finns
Bib Name City Net time Gun time
1461 Marko Vaittinen Forssa 2:31:14 2:31:17
7215 Petri Kykyri Kalvia 2:41:16 2:41:20
F1457 Johanna Kykyri Kälviä 2:46:23 2:46:27
F212 Laura Markovaara Helsinki 2:46:40 2:46:44
7660 Jaakko Pyykönen Espoo 2:57:40 2:57:45
1109 Kari Kautio Oulu 3:03:27 3:04:57
853 Pekka Vuorinen Helsinki 3:10:21 3:10:21
7684 Pasi Fränti Joensuu 3:10:00 3:10:23
6766 Tuomo Sibakov Kaarina 3:12:38 3:14:14
2071 Jouni Marjo Helsinki 3:14:08 3:15:35
Rotterdam marathon web page