Chess Camera Survey - Results

Here are the results of the questionaire made in Wednesday 24.10.2004. Most of the answers were given within 24 hours, and last form I received was sometime in Friday morning. In total, there were 22 valid answers and 2 test messages. Summary of the results is shown below:
Good: 17(10 anonymous answers)
Bad: 0
Against privacy: 0
No opinion: 5(2 anonymous answers)
Conclusion: Majority of the answers voted that the idea is GOOD (77 %). None of the answers stated that the idea were be BAD (0 %), nor that it would conflict the privacy (0 %). Five person did not have any opinion (23 %) in one way or another. In other words, the person complaining about Chess Camera, did not even bother to answer the questionaire. The written comments were mostly positive towards the Chess Camera. They are summed up below but without the name of person.

Written comments given

If it would consern me, it would be a good idea, but alas...

Shakkikamera on ihan hauska idea kuten ylipäätään shakin peluu kahvihuoneessa. Shakkivammaisenkin on joskus huvittavaa kuunnella spekulointeja meneillään olevasta "taistosta" =). Kirjoittaja haluaa huomauttaa, ettei shakkikamera ole loukannut hänen ihmisoikeuksiaan tahi aiheuttanut suunnatonta ahdistusta / fyysistä & psyykkistä kärsimystä. Lisäksi todettakoon, että viesti on kirjoitettu niin täysissä ruumiin ja sielun voimissa kuin ylipäätään allekirjoittaneelle on mahdollista.

If there would be ongoing projects connected to the chess recognition, thre would maybe be also stronger reason why to have the camera in place visited by people.

Mielipiteeni shakkikameran olemassaolosta:

Shakkikameran esilläolo merkitsee minulle lähinnä konenäköongelman tutkimusta, ei ihmisten valvontaa.

Mielestäni shakkikameran hahmontunnistusprobleema on oikein hyvä tutkimusaihe, eikä ihan helppokaan. Aihe löytyy professori Fräntin tutkimusaiheiden sivuilta. (Recognition of chess position from image - Shakkiaseman hahmottaminen kuvasta)

Kivanhan tuo on jos joku jaksaa harrastaa.

Get over it. Please, get a life.

Chess playing is a good hobby and the idea to make use of new technology in supporting good hobbies is fine!

It makes possible to e.g. to give good IT project topics related to image analysis and AI. i don't play chess myself but I have absolutely nothing against the camera in our coffee room or whereever.

Kyseessä ei mielestäni ole valvontakameraa vastaava laitos. Kamera ei valvo mitään tilaa, vaan kuvaa shakkilautaa. Jos shakkilauta mielletään yleiseksi tilaksi, niin siinä tapauksessa tilanteessa voi olla jotain epäilyttävää, mutta itse en ainakaan tulkitsisi asiaa niin.

Tutkimuskohteena hahmontunnistus yms on kuitenkin laitoksemme perustoimintoihin kuuluvaa juttua, ja mikäs sen parempi, kuin yhdistää se henkilökunnan harrastustoimintaan.ije

A good working environment is stimulating and it is good for the health of a worker to enjoy some activity during coffee break that takes the focus off work for a while. The chess game with camera in coffee room does that.

If there is anyone among us who has ideas and is willing to implement nice and healthy activities for co-workers, besides work, then let him do so!

Jos ainoa syy kameran poistamiseen on laki kameravalvonnan kieltämisestä työpaikalla, syy on typerä. Shakkilautaa kuvaava kamera ei ole valvontakamera edes kahvihuoneessa.

Jos sen sijaan yksikin ihminen vastustaa kameraa, se on poistettava. Yksilön oikeudet ovat tärkeämmät kuin yhteisön mieltymykset.

I see no problems in observing the chess board. To my mind it doesn't violate any privacy issues... well, just common sense: what discreditable this camera can record???

Well, why should anybody have fun? ;-)

Seriously speaking -- of course I fully support the chess cam (1) even though I don't play chess, and (2) even though I am very fanatic about privacy issues.

I just like the idea that there is even SOMETHING that people from all small groups can do together. And I seriously do not think of this as a breach of privacy.

I think that the terror of this one person should come to the end and the personel of the department should stand united against such behaviour. For me this is more about internal "politics" of our depatment than just one chess camera.

Let people play on-line anytime from anywhere :)