

The goal of the software that i will go to evaluate is to learn spanish in a easy way.


Tihs software is a course of spanish and it is in spanish, finnish and the menus are in english.

The idea of the softwarfe is to learn one language.

Possible price of this software can be betwen 20 and 60 euros.

Evaluation of the software

Now i will go to evaluate the software agree with fourteen pedagogical dimensions of computer-based education (CBE). I will do it with the next measure, i will give numbers within 0 and 10, 0 means that it's totally in the field of the left and 10 means that its totally in the field of the right.

Objectivist - Constructivism 6

Pedagogical philoshopy
Instructivism - Constructivism 6

underlying psychology
Behavioural - Cognitive 7

goal orientation
Sharply/focused - Unfocused 3

experiential value
Abstract - Concrete 3

Teacher role
No teacher

program flexibility
Teacher-proof - Easily modifiable 6

value of errors
Errorless learning - Learning from experience 6

Extrinsic - Intrinsic 2

accommodation of individual differences
Non existent - Multifaceted 2

learner control
Non existent - Unrestricted 9

user activity
Mathemagenic - Generative 3

cooperative learning
Unsupported - Integral 0

cultural sensitivity
Non existent - Integral 2

This course of spanish has two levels for beginners and for people with intermediate level. Each level has diferents units wich has diferents lessons. In each lesson you have 3 diferents types of activities Learn, study, and practice, You can follow the lesson in the order of the course has or can do it how you want, i think that it is recomended to do it in order because the exercises are relationated with the theory almost all the time. I think that this is not good because i think that exercises should be independient of the theory, of course they should be relationated but in this program you can not do the exercises if you do not see the theory, even if you know how to speak spanish. Out of the course you have 3 tools very useful, browser ( to search the information that you want), audio dictionary that allow you to know the meaning of diferents words and to learn the pronunciation of some words ( i think that is not really complete) and tape recorder that can help you to improve the pronunciation, you have other tool that is useful to follow the course, it is one virtual keyboard that have simbols expecifics of the spanish language. In my opinion this software is not very good to learn spanish, it can help you to learn the language but i think that is not complete to learn a new language.