A brief History of Time


Demo software about the nature universe and how it is related with scientific theory. It attempts to explain a range of subjects in cosmology, including the Big Bang, black holes, light cones and superstring theory, to the nonspecialist user.

Analysis of software(General):

Good visualization of comparative ideas between Aristottle, Galileo and Newton. Good demo of two theories State of rest vs no unique standard of rest by giving example of ping pong on a tram. Clear view of Maxwell’s light theory to measure relative motion. Various demo presentation by British and Ductch physicist about motion and time.

Well presentation of light cones Easy visualization of Einstein’s theory of relativity and his famous equation E=mc2 And his claim that space and time is not flat but warped by distribution of mass and energy. Good historical example that the idea came when Einstein met a painter who had fallen of a roof that if the earth were not present , the painter’s motion would continue outward away from the building. A good way to compare Newton’s theory and Einstein’s theory i.e, in former theory time had been absolute and latter space and time is relative. A very easy way to understand our galaxy, stars and sun and effect of cosmic rays within our galaxies and other galaxies. The fate of universe demonstrated by example of hot big bang model is very interesting.

The core part

: Stephen Hawking, a most able theoritical physicist since Einstein. And his theory of cosmology and quantum gravity. A good visualization of Hawking ‘s theory about the universe that It musthave had a beginning at a definite time and in the past when it must have been infinitesimally small and diverse. Hawking’s idea about black hole that its horizon can never be decrease with time is also very good. A good picture animation of concluding remark of the software that the universe is self contained and without a creator is self understood.

Pedagogical analysis of software

Goals and objectives are delineated, sequenced into learning hierarchies, representing a progression to higher order learning. Direct instruction is designed to address each of the objectives in the hierarchy. Emphasis is placed on identifying the unique interests, styles, motivations, and capabilities of individual learners so that learning environments can be tailored to them

Text, Graphics, Screen Layout

Most visualization is in graphic art format than real picture format. Sometimes it feels fictious story


user can not modify the contents


user can learn according to his preference


Helps in visualization through animation and aids better understanding in less time


Name of software: A Brief History of Time
Nature of software: Demo type
Source of software: A Brief History of Time A book written by Stephen W. Hawking
Created by: Jim Mervis and Robit Hairman
Published by: MacMillaN Interactive Publishing
Main Topics: cosmology, including the Big Bang, black holes, light cones and superstring theory
Main features:Listening to Stephen Hawking about the secrets of the universe. Knowing top figures in the history of scientific thought. Experiencing travel to distant dimensions to witness the wonders of the universe. Clear view of black hole and big bang
Target Group: nonspecialist learner
Language: English
Posibble Price: not known