Research Methods in Educational Informatics (6 ECTS/3,5 ov), 175614


The course will start at February 15, 2008. The introdutory lecture will be held Feb. 15, time: 12-14, room: 2D106B. The course will end in early May.

It is possible to study the course in distance. Please contact Jarkko Suhonen (jsuhon@[REM_SPAM] for the arrangements.



After the course, the students are expected

Course arrangements

General info


The course is build mostly upon independent working, so there are only few lectures. The detailed schedule and content of the lectures will be announed in the beginning of the course.


The course includes compulsory exercises. Check the timetables from Moodle. Every submitted exercise will be evaluated and assessed. Feedback is given in the lectures.


Each student will keep a StudyLog during the course. More information about the content of the StudyLog will be given in the beginning of the course.

Counseling hour

Each week there is a possibility to get individual face-to-face counseling in Room 2D/309 or via Skype. The first counseling session will be held in February 19 at week 8. During the counseling hour it is possible to get feedback to unfinished assignments or get answers to any questions concerning the course.


The course will start on Friday, February 15th at 12-14, room 2D/106B (if there are maximum number of participants in the first lecture, you will not be able to join the course later).

Lectures will be held in room 2D/106B or in room 2D/309


Details confirmed in the beginning of the course


Additional information

Jarkko Suhonen

Last updated: December 31, 2007