Introduction to Educational Informatics (6 ECTS) - J175613

Johdatus didaktiseen tietojenkäsittelytieteeseen (6 op) - J175613

Last update: 16 March 2010


Note 1: available topics for Master Thesis from the Edtech group at the end of this page!
Note 2: Master Thesis topics related to the work of EdTech are counselled during this course! Please participate if you are starting your Master degree (you don't necessarily need to have a plan for Master Thesis --you are still strongly advised to take part).

Basic info about the course

The course is compulsory for the students at the Educational Technology and IT Teacher master degree study lines. The course is also highly recommended to all those who write their Master Thesis under the supervision of Professor Sutinen or other senior researchers at the Edtech group, adding some practical benefits to the preparation of the thesis. This course replaces “Education Technology of the Computer Science" (Tietoteknikan Opetusteknologia) - 173304. The course will be given in English, if at least one international student will participate to the course.

The course is kept by Professor Erkki Sutinen and Senior Assistant Jarkko Suhonen.

The session in Spring 2010 is organisedJanuary 26, 2010, 14:00-16:00, in Room 2D309 (Edtech-lab). Practical arrangements as well as course's further schedule will be discussed during the seminar.

Short introduction to the course

In Finnish

Mitä on didaktinen tietojenkäsittelytiede? Monitieteellisyyden haasteet. Alan ajankohtaiset näkökulmat. Opintojen ja pro gradu -tutkielman eteneminen; esim. pro gradu -tutkielmien yhteinen ohjaus (mitä gradu pitää sisällään? mikä on hyvä tutkielma? jne). Pro gradu -tutkielman etenemisen esittely vähintään kolme kertaa: (1) tutkimusongelma, tutkimusmetodit ja jäsennys, (2) kirjallisuuskatsaus ja tausta, (3) kokonainen luku. Suoritusmuoto: kuukausittain kokoontuva runkoseminaari johon osallistutaan koko maisteriohjelman ajan (mukana linjan alumneja ja vierailevia tutkijoita).

In English

What is didactic computer science? What are the challenges of multidisciplinarity? What are the current topics of the domain? In this course the preceding questions will be answered and master’s thesis instruction will be given on 1) identifying research questions, 2) writing literature reviews and background, and 3) presenting results and discussion sections. The course will be conducted via monthly seminars throughout the period of students’ master studies.

How to complete the course

The students need to complete the following tasks (0 - 8) in order to pass the course. For the tasks 1 - 4 and 6 - 8, you are required to prepare a presentation of 20 minutes (10-15 mins for presentation + 5-10 minutes for discussion). Prepare also the slides for the presentation, and send them in advance to Jarkko (jarkko.suhonen(at)

In the task 5 (opponentship), you are required to be an opponent for other students' presentations for the tasks 1 - 4 (related to the thesis work). In order to complete this task succesfully, you need to get familiar with the material you will be sent before the seminar, and prepare questions about the topic and presentation. Note, that you should work as an opponent four times in order to complete this task.

The schedule and task lists for the forthcoming seminar meetings can be found at course wiki. Also, a list of completed tasks can be found there. New tasks can be allocated to future seminar meetings at the end of each session or by email to Jarkko well before (at least one week) the next seminar meeting.

The required components of the course include

0. Active participation

1. Plan for the Master Thesis

2. Literature review

3. Methodolgoy

4. Ready thesis

5. Opponentship (four times)

6 - 8. Tools, article presentations and visits

Seminar Timetable (Spring 2010)

Date Time Room
26 January 2010, Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00 2D309 (Edtech-lab)
16 February 2010, Tuesday 14:00 - 17:00 2D309 (Edtech-lab)
16 March 2010, Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00 2D309 (Edtech-lab)
13 April 2010, Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00 2D309 (Edtech-lab)
4 May 2010, Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00 2D309 (Edtech-lab)
Seminar materials

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Access from outside of the universtiy network (authentication by your cs/cc account):


List of Journals for EdTech interests

The following linked page provides links to journals that are relevant for students and researchers in the field of Educational Technology for Computer Science. The journals are either available online or through the library e-services (as for example the Ex Libris).

Available topics for Master Thesis

See the most up-to-date list of EdTech reserach group's thesis topics here.