Operating Systems
Autumn 2001, schedule
Week 41 (Oct. 8 - Oct. 12)
- Tuesday, October 9
- General information on the course, literature, Chapter I: Introduction
to operating systems.
- Wednesday, October 10
- Different types of operating systems:
Batch systems, multiprogramming systems, time-sharing systems,
desktop systems, parallel systems, distributed systems, clustered systems,
real-time systems, handheld systems.
Week 42 (Oct. 15 - Oct. 19)
- Tuesday, October 16
- Short review on computer system structures. Direct memory access (DMA)
- Wednesday, October 17
- Processes, process control block (PCB)
Week 43 (Oct. 22 - Oct. 26)
- Wednesday, October 24
- Schedulers: short-term, long-term, context switch. Processes:
fork, exec, wait
- Wednesday, October 24
- CPU scheduling, scheduling criteria
Week 44 (Oct. 29 - Nov. 2)
- Tuesday, October 30
- Scheduling algorithms, FSCS, nonpreemptive SJF, examples
- Wednesday, October 31
- Scheduling algorithms, preemptive SJF, exponential averaging, priority scheduling, examples
Week 45 (Nov. 5 - Nov. 9)
- Tuesday, November 6
- Starvation, aging, Round-Robin scheduling, examples
- Wednesday, November 7
- Multilevel Queue Scheduling, Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling,
evaluation of scheduling algorithms
Week 46 (Nov. 12 - Nov. 16)
- Tuesday, November 13
- Example of process scheduling in BSD Unix, producer-consumer problem
- Wednesday, November 14
- 1st intermediate exam: November 14, 2001, 8:00-10:00 am. T/B Auditorium (Louhela-sali)
Week 47 (Nov. 19 - Nov. 23)
- Tuesday, November 20
- Producer-consumer problem, process synchronization
- Wednesday, November 21
- Critical-section problem, Peterson-algorithm as a solution for the problem
Week 48 (Nov. 26 - Nov. 30)
- Tuesday, November 27
- Semaphores: wait and signal, semaphore usage and implementation,
busy waiting, spinlock.
- Wednesday, November 28, NOTE: Lectures are in Carelicum, Koskikatu 5
- Semaphores: critical aspects on semaphores, Linux example of using
semaphores, deadlocks and starvation.
Week 49 (Dec. 3 - Dec. 7)
- Tuesday, December 4, NOTE: Lectures are in Carelicum, Koskikatu 5
- Classical problems in process synchronization: the bounded buffer problem,
the readers-writers problem, the dining philosophers problem.
- Wednesday, December 5, NOTE: Lectures are in Carelicum, Koskikatu 5
- Semaphore- and monitor-based implementation of the dining philosophers
Week 50 (Dec. 10 - Dec. 14)
- Tuesday, December 11
- Deadlocks, resource-allocation graph, deadlock prevention,
deadlock avoidance
- Wednesday, December 12
- Recovery from a deadlock, memory management: paging and
segmentation, example of disk scheduling
Week 51 (Dec. 17 - Dec. 21)
- Wednesday, December 19
- 2nd intermediate exam: 8:00-10:00 am. T/B Auditorium (Louhela-sali)