Requirements Specification Project

Many new technologies are becoming available, such as multi-touch surfaces or augmented reality. Your team has been selected to conduct analysis, planning, and development of an example application on some of the new and emerging technologies. End users will be senior citizens of age >60 living in care-houses.

Your task is to:

Target applications

1) A multitouch newspaper reader interface that allows users to interact with newspaper in a traditional fashion, e.g. using gestures, but also benefits from the computerized environment (video news, comments on the news, scrapping of the news, to name few). In addition, the realtime connection allows to update the news, provide more information, browse older issues, interact with the editors and other users.
2) Other multitouch application for senior users of your choice. Negotiate the topic with teachers.

Guidelines - continuously updated!

Assessment: The requirements specification should be (according to IEEE standard): Correct, Unambiguous, Complete, Consistent, Ranked for importance and stability, Verifiable, Modifiable, Traceable.