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Final results now online at:
The following groups have submitted their project 2: Aki & Pankaj, Arttu & Teemu, Joonas & Toni, Petri & Joni, Raghu & Leke, Sita & Ding & Hao. If you feel your name should be here, contact me asap.
Exam results now online at: Intra link:
Please note that materials (presentations, papers) are located at the 'intra'
part of the internet. Your computer needs to be located in the
university network, or you need to use proxy, or you need to use VPN
(instructions in intra:
I am behind with reading the papers, sorry for delays. Most of the surveys are good, the feedback provided is useful.
Project 2 is published. Notice the two intermediate deadlines!
Demo 6 is now online. This is the last demo.
Demo 5 is now online.
No lectures on 30.11.2009.
Demo 4 is now online.
Demo 3 is now online.
Files for review are now available online. See the review instructions in the project 1 assignment (updated 12.11.2009).
Due to requests, the deadline for first version of the literature survey project has been extended: 11.11.2009.
Demo 2's assignment is now online.
If you don't have a group, contact Roman as soon as possible.
Assignment of demo 1 is available online..
Introductory lecture's presentation online. See lecture note's section.
First lectures will be held: 27.10.2009, time: 12-14, room 2d106. Welcome!
Demos will start in week 45 (calendar), i.e. 2.11.2009.
Attendance to the first two lectures is necessary to begin taking the RE 2009.
General info
Monday and Tuesday, 12 - 14, room 2D106
Lecturer: Roman
Schedule and Exceptions:
2.11. - consulting times 13 - 14, room 307
3.11., 9.11., 10.11. - no lectures, work on project 1 and presentation. Consulting times 13-14, room 307.
16.11. Petri & Joni PDF; Raghu & Leke PDF;
17.11. Saija & Petri PDF;
Ari PDF; Petr
23.11. Anand & Ali PDF;
24.11. Sita, Hao & Ding PDF;
Joonas & Toni PDF;
Arttu & Teemu PDF
30.11. No lectures
1.12. Aki & Pankaj PDF;
Lars Koivukangas PDF;
7.12. Janne Hietala, Arcusys OY - PDF
8.12. consulting times as agreed per email
Lecture notes:
Demo sessions
Teacher: Minnamari Naumanen
16 hours
Group 1: Tue, 10-12, room: 181
Group 2: Thu, 10-12, room: 181
Exception: 5.11. room TB179Demo assignments:
Exam: 14.12. 12:00 sharp! room D106
Leffingwell, Dean & Widrig, Don: Managing Software Requirements, Addison-Wesley 2003
Bray, Ian K.: An Introduction to Requirements Engineering, Addison-Wesley 2002
Kovitz, Benjamin L.: Practical Software Requirements, Manning Publications Company 1999
Handouts at the lectures
Roman Bednarik