Beachball Chess Tournament

Beachball Chess tournament will be organized in Vehkalahti beach within ECSE course of Scientific Presentation Skills. Jääkarhut sauna is reserved for participants.
  Team Finland  - Pasi & Mikko
  Team Asia     - Zhentian & Chaitanya
  Team Romania  - Radu & Andrei
  Team Md^2     - Mohammad & Mohamed
  Team Ruba     - Ruben & Adil
  Team United   - Mohammad & Radu


Two-player teams. One team member will go catch their beach ball, and bring it into the box (the marked volleyball area). Hands allowed. If the ball is already in box, just touching the ball by hand is enough to complete this task. After completed, the player may return to the the Chess board and make their next move. The catching turn must roate within a team.

The player who is catching the ball may also kick the ball of the opponent team out of the box anytime wanted - before or after bringing the own ball, or even both. Kicking is allowed only when inside the box. When outside the box, only own ball can be touched. At any stage of the game, there is no need to wait for the action of opponent team: moves can be made as fast the players are ready.


Tournament rule was Single-lose (-1) elimination
Finland-Asia       1-0 --> Asia eliminated
Romania-Md^2       ½-½ 
Ruba-Finland       0-1 --> Ruba eliminated
Finland-United     1-0


1. Team Finland    3 0 0   Winner!
2. Team United     0 1 1 
3. Team 2nd-half   0 1 0
4. Team Asia       0 0 1
5. Team Ruba       0 0 1

Tournament story

In the first game, Team Finland beated Team Asia hands down. :) Zhentian & Chaitanya were out of the tournament.

Second game was a long battle without any visible result in near future. After 10 minutes of playing, the exhaustive players agreed to call it a draw if neither was able to checkmate after 15 minutes. Once this limit was reached, Team Md strongly claimed victory despite the earlier agreement - argumenting that they had more material (king, bishop, pawn vs. king and 2 pawns). Team Romania argumented that they could promote one of the pawns. Due to the earlier agreement, DRAW was the final verdict for the game. Both teams continued in the tourney with -½ elimination points.

During the second game, 3 balls out of the 4 available were kicked broken. Rest of the games were therefore played using the only remaining ball and rules were changed accodingly. Now team had to catch the same ball, bring it in the box, and then go and make a chess move. Ball was allowed to be kicked out from the box after first getting a "touch-down". Catching the same ball made the playing more fun with all the chasing and preventing maneuvers. :)

In third game Team Finland easily beated Ruben and Adil using all possible tricks such as delayed moves and out-running the opponent in ball catching. Team Ruba was out.

The last remaining teams were Team Finland (0 elimination points), Teams Romania (½) and Team Asia (½). However, Andrei and Mohammed did not want to play anymore (eagerly wanting to go to sauna) whereas Radu and Mohammad wanted. They re-formed a new team called Team United, and took the final challenge against victorius Team Finlad, who once more beat the opponent and conquerred the tournament victory!


Previous tournaments